What Is For Worse?

rants reasons and ruminations on love

Archive for the tag “love talk”

How Sweet Is Your Love?

If men and women would walk away from relationships at the first sign of foolishness AND not be concerned about what people think AND not be afraid of losing the person doing the foolishness, they stand a better chance at happiness and to be available for the right person.

So you advise just have a heart-to-heart talk, reach an understanding, and work things out? If you had more than one heart-to-heart talk about the same foolishness and your heart is not happy, whose heart is not in the relationship?

You married the person regardless of the foolishness because you thought the foolishness would eventually stop? Loving someone involves risk. So true. It is like choosing a piece of chocolate hoping you get one with a filling on the inside you will enjoy.

There are two ways to handle a piece of chocolate you discover has a filling on the inside you do not enjoy. One, you can keep the piece of chocolate and adjust to its flavor. Two, you can put it back and choose another piece of chocolate.

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Articles About Civil and Dignified Divorce

A blog dedicated to the proposition that divorce can be civil and dignified.

The Renegade Press

Tales from the mouth of a wolf

What Is For Worse?

rants reasons and ruminations on love

I Am Not Defined

Life would be boring if we were all sheep. We need some Zebra's in the herd.


Conversations with the Heartmind