What Is For Worse?

rants reasons and ruminations on love

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Bittersweet Love

Love is an ongoing hot topic no matter what culture or ethnic group destiny and DNA has assigned you. It is easy to get tired of hearing about relationship issues as we are constantly exposed to happy and horrific tales of love in the virtual world and real life. Yet, some of us still hope to share love with someone who loves us in return.

Unfortunately, love does not screen out men and women who harbor bitterness from past relationships. Sometimes, the heart wants someone who does not know how to begin to heal or how to love again without lashing out.

The unfinished business of a bad relationship is passed on to the new love who becomes torn between decisions to work it out or walk away. Sometimes, embittered people may ask for more than can be given in an effort to feel secure from hurt in a new love. 

A bad marriage has left many with a bitterness only true love can conquer. Of course, there is triumphant love, but those inspiring stories of love have yet to convince some bitter hearts to open up and love again. Many people decide never to marry again.

They would rather risk being hurt in a relationship with no commitment to marriage than risk hurt in a marriage. Such is the rationale of a bitter heart. Love will always have risks.

Freedom to choose how to love and who to love has created interesting situations; however, the difficulty comes when you discover the one you love is brave enough to enjoy your company, but too fearful to commit to marriage. Understanding the reason for the fear and being patient with the process of healing can take you into years of bittersweet love.

Letting Go of a Good Thing

How do you rate your current love connection? Sloppy second is not a winning position in love. Career, parenting, and personal rejuvenation create time challenges best addressed by an understanding love.

Balancing time in a relationship with other life events can enhance love when you deem the person in your life worthy of your best time. Couples who display understanding love use every opportunity to express the depth of their love to each other.

When passion for your dream is stronger than passion for the person sharing your dream, pride is given an opportunity to surface when the lack of time spent loving becomes an issue.

People are more likely to defend their right to use their time as they please rather than defend the relationship against failure.

Pride stands against efforts to salvage a relationship because pride is destructive by nature. Pride is blinding because it will not allow scarce time spent on loving to been seen as a delinquency in love attendance.

After pride has run its course, then comes the shame of realizing a good love could still be around to become a better love if humility and wisdom were allowed to prevail.

The quality of time is a strong factor for a good relationship to become a better relationship.  If the quality of time does not improve past quick visits on the way to somewhere else, it is time to let go.



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What Is For Worse?

rants reasons and ruminations on love

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